Waverley on the Clyde

Waverley on the Clyde

The Waverley steamer will be back in action next year!

Paddle steamer Waverley is registered on The National Historic Fleet as being a vessel of pre-eminent national significance. She has operated in preservation since 1975 and become a “national treasure”. PS Waverley is the sole survivor and has become an icon in her own lifetime.

The PS Waverley is the last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer in the world. Built in 1946 the boat has been out of comission for the majority of 2019.

The steamer needed 2 new boilers and this was the first time since 1940 that it wasn’t sailing. The price for the repair was estimated at £2.3 million pounds, the good news is that at this current time the appeal for funds has reached £2.2 million this means that the boat is expected back soon from its first absence.

When back in operation next year, the steamer will be back to it’s best and carrying passengers up and down the clyde as it has always done.

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